The World Health Organization today issued draft guidelines that add another voice to the debate about the health risks of saturated fats. Consumer Reports has the details.
New guidelines evaluate the impact of these fats in your diet and your risk of heart disease

Based on a review of the most recent research, the World Health Organization (WHO) today issued draft guidelines that add another voice to the debate about the health risks of saturated fats.
These types of fat—found in beef, butter, cheese, chocolate, coconut
oil, palm oil, and whole milk—should make up less than 10 percent of an
adult or child’s total daily calories, the agency says.
In addition, everyone should keep their intake of trans fats
under 1 percent of their calories, the agency says. Some trans fats are
found naturally in foods, but the majority of the trans fats people eat
comes from partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, which may be found in
processed foods, such as baked goods, crackers, fried foods, pizza, and stick margarines.
If this advice sounds
familiar, that’s because it is very similar to what’s recommended by
several health organizations, including the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
“What the new WHO guidelines do is add strength to the idea that
having too much saturated fat in your diet can raise the risk of heart
disease, and dampen the ‘butter is back’ argument,” says David Seres,
M.D., associate professor of medicine at the Institute of Human
Nutrition at Columbia University Medical Center.
In recent years, the necessity of limiting saturated fat has been called into question because some studies did not find a link between cutting saturated fat and protection against heart disease.
“People don’t eat the individual components of foods, they eat the
food.” And, Seres says, “foods that contain saturated fat may also
contain other compounds that can be good for your health. It appears
that this may be the case with eggs, for example.”
To that end, Seres recommends that you lean toward a whole foods diet,
rather than one that is mostly made up of packaged and processed foods.
Much of that should be plant foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, nuts, and beans, with less meat and whole milk dairy.
“I want to stress that it’s ‘limit not eliminate’ these foods,” he
says. “If meat and dairy are a big part of your diet and I tell you to
cut them out, you may be able to do so for about a week,” he says.
One approach is to choose lower-fat versions of foods like dairy and
meats, such as swapping low- or nonfat milk for whole milk or serving
lean cuts of beef, such as sirloin instead rib eye, says Amy Keating,
R.D., a Consumer Reports dietitian.
“You should make every effort to avoid foods made with partially
hydrogenated oils, which are a source of trans fat,” she says.
“Fortunately, that’s getting easier because many food manufacturers have
phased them out of their products in advance of a Food and Drug
Administration ban on trans fats in food that takes effect on June 1.”
Studies have shown that saturated and trans fats increase the risk
of heart attack and stroke mostly by raising levels of LDL cholesterol,
which can clog arteries, and that cutting back can lower those levels.
Other studies, however, concluded that there wasn't enough evidence to
link saturated fat to heart disease.
The discrepancy may lie in what people ate in place of saturated
fats. Replacing saturated fat calories with those from refined
carbohydrates (white flour and sugar) does not seem to reduce heart
disease risk, and may even raise it. But if you swap in healthy fats, it does help your heart.
“There are many limitations to diet studies. They are very complex to
perform, and require thousands of participants who can actually achieve
the dietary goals and maintain them, sometimes over decades," Seres
says. "However, the preponderance of research shows that saturated fats
and trans fats are linked to heart disease."
The WHO’s draft guidelines say that saturated fats should be replaced
with healthy fats, specifically polyunsaturated fats, found in foods
such as fish, vegetable oils, and walnuts.
What about avocados,
olive oil, and other nuts? Those foods are higher in monounsaturated
fats. “We are highlighting the PUFAs [polyunsaturated fats] because they
have a stronger effect on LDL cholesterol, but that doesn’t preclude
using monounsaturated fatty acids either,” says Chizuru Nishida, M.D.,
Ph.D., coordinator of the Nutrition Policy and Scientific Advice Unit,
WHO Department of Nutrition for Health and Development.