To grow in life you need to embrace change.

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The best achievements of life come from the situations that stretch you, challenge you to bring the very best of your inner potential. When you look back at these high rewarding situations, you’ll notice these were not easy times. These took the hell out of you, made you vulnerable to failure, exhausted you several times but you still made it through this phase and emerged triumphant.
The reality is that success and comfort are not made for each other. Working out of your comfort zone makes you succumb to be good only. While, making yourself vulnerable, learning new skills, expanding your current capacity, working on opportunities beyond your call of duty, being entrepreneurial make you uncomfortable, but that’s the only way you can keep pushing your limits and achieving new milestones.
Change makes you uncomfortable, but the catchphrase, ‘change is the only constant’ holds true. To grow in life you need to embrace change. That change may scare you, but if you feel strongly to chase a dream and change things drastically in life, go for it.
In the process of chasing your goals, you must allow yourself to fail, to lose a face, and pass by the critics/mockers/naysayers with a broad smile. If you’ll look for social approval, you’ll always be stuck in the safenet of your comfort zone, but when take the grit to explore your possibilities without caring for what others will say or feeding your false pride, that is when true magic and life-transitioning things are born!